What's Up?

A special page has been added to these notes to support displaying images of the object that is currently in the 16" Telescope on the three monitors in the Observatory. Just click the "what's up?" link in the upper-right corner of any notes page that has that link and the What's Up page will automatically open and display the image for that object.


  • The What's Up links are only available and intended for use from within the observatory.
    Links will not be available outside of the observatory network.

  • Press F11 to make the browser full-screen and hide the menu bar for the display monitors

If needed, you can display an empty page using the following URL:


You can force a title of the object into the page by providing the name parameter... with centered text...


... or, specify "other" for the image parameter to clear an area to display an image from SkyTools:


Most pages will generate the full name, description and image parameters similar to the following, for object M13:


Custom What's Up Form

Use the following to display a customized What's Up page:

Object Name
Object Description
    - use of HTML codes, like line break: <br/>, are allowed
Object Image Filename
    - use "other" for the image name to display a blank image area and to place the logo and description areas to the left
    - referenced image files must be located in the _**site\img\whats-up**_ folder