Home > Solar System > Uranus


Information about the planet Uranus.

to Earth
Distance from Sun (average) 1.8 billion miles 19.2
Distance from Sun (current) loading... loading...
Distance from Earth (current) loading...
Revolution Period 84 years --
Rotation Period 17 hours 14 minutes --
Diameter 31,900 miles 4
Mass -- 14.5
Surface Gravity -- ~0.89
Temperature Cloud Tops -200 °C (-328 °F)
Density (gram/cubic cm) 1.30 gm/cm3 0.24

What To Look For Through The Telescope

  1. Recommended eyepiece: 26mm or 40 mm.

  2. Uranus appears as a small greenish ball through the telescope. None of its moons can be seen.

Uranus Information

  1. Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system.

  2. Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope – by William Herschel in 1781. It was plotted as a faint star on at least 20 star charts drawn between 1690 and 1781, but was not recognized as a planet.

  3. Uranus rotates on its side as it orbits the sun. It is thought that a planet-sized body collided with Uranus early in the solar system’s history, causing Uranus to tip.

  4. Uranus has a rocky core surrounded by a liquid mantle of water, ammonia, and methane. The outer layer is primarily hydrogen and helium with a small amount of methane.

  5. The methane in Uranus’s atmosphere absorbs red light so we see the planet as blue-green.

  6. The cloud features form beneath a layer of hydrocarbon smog and are almost invisible.

  7. Ten very narrow rings circle Uranus. They are similar to the ringlets around Saturn. Another 50 very faint and very dusty rings were discovered by Voyager.

  8. The rings around Uranus were discovered in 1977, by a team of astronomers watching Uranus pass in front of a distant star. This star seemed to blink out several times before Uranus itself covered the star – the rings were blocking the light from the star.

  9. Uranus has at least 27 moons. They’re named mostly for characters from the works of Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

Home > Solar System > Uranus > References Top
Item Updated Notes
Distance 2002-09-29 https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/uranus/facts
Revolution Period 2017-05-07 OK
Rotation Period 2017-05-07 OK
Diameter 2017-05-07 OK
Mass 2017-05-07 OK
Surface Gravity 2017-05-07 OK
Temperature 2017-05-07 OK
Density 2017-05-07 OK
Other Information 2017-05-07 https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/uranusfact.html