Telescope Operation Procedures

Telescope Start Up Checklist

  1. Plug in the power cord at the base of the telescope, then switch on all three switches.
    NOTE: the middle switch must be pulled out to toggle it

  2. Plug in the PC at the desk, and turn on the power strip to power up the PC

  3. After Windows loads, launch SiTechExe and verify communications with the telescope controller

  4. Click StrtUpTrkg or Start in the SiTechExe window if not already started

  5. Launch Sky Tools or click on SkyView in the SiTechExe window

  6. Course Alignment (Optional): if the telescope was previously shutdown pointing straight up (Zenith) then you may do a course alignment to Zenith.
    Using SkyView: Find the small yellow "+" at the exact center of the chart (zoom in for accuracy with the mouse wheel). right-click on the "+" and select "GoTo or Sync..., then click the Sync in the pop-up window and then OK in the InitPoint window.

  7. Removing the dust covers: Use the hand-controller to move the telescope down to the East at about a 30-degree angle. Use the steps if necessary to remove both the main scope and finder scope covers.

  8. Precision Alignment: Looking outside, find and identify a bright star (preferred) or planet. If course aligned, you may do a GoTo using Sky Tools or SkyView. Center the star in the telescope's eyepiece using the hand-controller.
    Using SkyView: Click on that star in the chart. Click on Sync in the first pop-up window. Click on OK in the InitPoint pop-up window.

  9. Ready for Observing!

Telescope Shut-down Checklist

  1. Install the dust covers - use the hand-controller to move the telescope down to the East at about a 30 degree angle. use the steps if necessary to install both the main scope and 6-inch scope dust covers.

  2. Use Sky Tools or SkyView to find and slew the telescope to Zenith (pointing directly overhead).

  3. Turn off the telescope power by toggling off all three switches below the telescope
    NOTE: the middle switch must be pulled out to toggle it (the middle toggle must be pulled out to toggle it)

  4. Unplug the telescope power cord.

  5. Close all programs on the PC. Shut-down Windows, power off the power strip behind the monitors, and unplug the PC power cord from the power strip.